What is Stripling Warrior Camp?

Stripling Warrior Camp is a virtual and in-person experience for all Aaronic Priesthood age young men that is designed to:

  1. Help every young man grow "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”

  2. Unify each quorum

  3. Build bonds across the stake

The Camp will consist of daily quorum devotionals, quorum activities/challenges, inspirational speakers and music, and Stake-wide virtual gatherings. Like many other youth activities and summer camps this year, Stripling Warrior Camp will be a "first of its kind" event, with a focus on having fun and strengthening faith in Jesus Christ as the young men continue on their journey from boyhood to becoming valiant missionaries, husbands, fathers, and leaders.

When is the Camp?

Stripling Warrior Camp 2020 will be held on July 8, 9, and 10.

What is the theme of the Camp?

The theme for 2020 comes from Alma 56:9-10:

“But behold, here is one thing in which we may have great joy. For behold, in the twenty and sixth year, I, Helaman, did march at the head of these two thousand young men to the city of Judea, to assist Antipus, whom ye had appointed a leader over the people of that part of the land. And I did join my two thousand sons, (FOR THEY ARE WORTHY TO BE CALLED SONS) to the army of Antipus, in which strength Antipus did rejoice exceedingly . . .”

The Camp will help each young man discover for themselves what it means to be WORTHY TO BE CALLED SONS of their Heavenly Father. They will have opportunities to reflect and act on these and other questions:

  1. What does it mean to be worthy physically, socially, intellectually, and spiritually?

  2. Would Helaman have considered me worthy to be called a son?

  3. What does it mean to be a worthy son? What does a worthy son do for his father?

  4. What are the attributes of a worthy son as demonstrated by the Stripling Warriors?

  5. What are the attributes of a worthy son as exemplified by the Savior?

  6. What does Heavenly Father want me to do to become a more capable, fit, and prepared son?


What is the schedule for Stripling Warrior Camp?

Each day of the camp (Wednesday through Friday) will include a quorum activity in one of three development areas: physically worthy, socially worthy, intellectually worthy. All three days will include quorum devotionals, quorum challenges, reflections, and keynote speakers focused on spiritual worthiness.


How do I register for Stripling Warrior Camp?

To register for Stripling Warrior Camp and/or for Youth Conference, use the button below.

How do I participate?

Contact your quorum president to find out what daytime activities your quorum has planned, and what spiritual challenges you will be working on as a quorum. Then, on Wednesday morning, July 8, jump on the Zoom meeting at 9:00 AM for the kick-off! You can find the list of Zoom links for each session using the button below.

How can I share photos of my quorum for the daily slide show?

We have created a shared Google Photo Album where you can post pictures of your quorum’s activities. A sampling of photos posted to the album each day by 6:00 PM will be included in the daily slide show.