2023 Stake Pioneer Trek

Dear Nashua Stake Youth,

We look forward to being with you at our Stake Youth Pioneer Trek! We know that it will be a wonderful spiritual experience for you if you prepare your heart, mind, and body.

From 1856 to 1860, about 3,000 Latter-day Saints pulled handcarts across the American plains to gather in the Salt Lake Valley. These pioneers trekked more than a thousand miles through heat and cold; through mud, sand, and sometimes snow; and through rivers and over mountains. They faced trials that required great faith, obedience, and perseverance.

The purpose of Trek is to help each youth draw closer to the Savior Jesus Christ by learning about, honoring, and following in the footsteps of the Latter-day Saint pioneers. We pray that you will better understand how their faith and obedience enabled them to "do all things through Christ," so that you, too, can do whatever difficult things the Lord asks you to do.

Like the pioneer trail, the covenant path is rigorous and challenging, but it always leads to JOY in Jesus Christ. Through Him, you can do all things. He is the strength of youth--He is the strength of YOU.

Our pioneer handcart trek re-enactment will be demanding and FUN! You will need to prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually for this experience. You will be part of a handcart "family" that will pull all of your belongings for about 15 miles over three days. You will work together, pray together, camp together, study together, and help one another.

To help you prepare, we invite you to read daily from the Book of Mormon and to walk or hike 2-3 times per week. May God bless you as you prepare yourself spiritually and physically for this remarkable experience!

—Nashua Stake Trek Council

Information For Participants

Youth registration closed. If you would still like to register please contact Annie Casalegno (annielue@yahoo.com).

Packing List

Below is the link to the trek personal packing list, including clothing and shoes. Please note that each youth’s gear—except their sleeping bag and pillow—must fit into a 5-gallon bucket, which will be provided by the stake.

Pioneer Clothing

All youth and adults participating in Trek are encouraged to wear pioneer-style clothing. Doing so helps everyone immerse themselves in the trek experience and fosters a sense of unity. In obtaining or making pioneer clothing, participants should not spend excessive time or money. Most items can be found in existing wardrobes or at secondhand stores like Goodwill and Savers.

Helpful Links for Making or Adapting Trek Clothes

Trek Clothing for Sale

Pioneer Stories

Each youth and adult on Trek is encouraged to select an actual handcart pioneer and learn about his or her life and experiences on the trail to Zion. We encourage you to study their biography and try to do the things that he or she would have done on the journey. You will also have an opportunity during Trek to share their story with others. Below are some resources to help you learn about the handcart pioneers and their rescuers.